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KayoSports账号-WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

2024-09-20 12:04:29 [帮助文档] 来源:稳定号
图片、视频和文档 ● 从 excel 批量发送 WhatsApp 消息 ● 逐一发送给群组成员 ● 保存自己的KayoSports账号 WhatsApp 促销信息模板 ● 自定义发送间隔 ● 当前发送进度 ● 随时暂停和继续 ● 导出发送结果列表 ● 一键重试失败

Core features –
1. Connect with customers without saving numbers by sending them messages easily.
2. Add custom delay time after each message.
3. No software installation needed, just a simple chrome extension.
4. Extremely simple to use.
5. Use formatting (*BOLD* _italic_ ~strikethrough~ & EMOJI) to communicate better with your customers.
6. Name customization in message.
7. Privacy Blur/ Quick Reply.
8. Send image, audio, video file 7 attachments with captions.
9. Filter contact numbers.
10. Give contacts an option to unsubscribe.
11. Download unsaved contacts/numbers from groups, broadcast lists and more…
12. Download/export/save all contacts.
13. Send links redirecting people to your website/ shop. Give your customers an option to purchase directly from your shop.
14. Upload an excel sheet of your customers and send messages to any country.
15. Send Unsubscribe option with every message so that people who don’t want to receive messages from you can safely opt out.
16. Download delivery reports and detailed analytics of all the messages that you’ve sent to your customers.

KayoSports账号-WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

Send Customized Messages
Create and send customized messages (with the name of the recipient or other “variables”) directly from your PC.

KayoSports账号-WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

Import Contacts
Import contacts either manually or from file (CSV or TXT).

KayoSports账号-WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

Send Without Saving Contact
Send Whatsapp messages to contacts even if they are not saved in your address book.

Multi Account
Multi Account (Multi Channel) to automatically send messages from different whatsapp accounts.

Create Multiple Variations
Automatically create multiple variations of the message to send to all contacts and avoid spam or ban.

Get Report
Ability to see the report of the campaign (from LOG section).

Message Schedule
Possibility to schedule the sending and set a delay between the messages to avoid to be banned.

Group Messaging
Grab all member of a Whatsapp group to contact them via Bulk Sender.

Numbers Filter Feature
Bulk check of Whatsapp and non-Whatsapp phone numbers.

WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

WA Sender Free bulk Messaging

功能介绍 ● 发送个性化信息、


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