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2024-09-20 11:50:30 [实用工具] 来源:稳定号

WEBI am happy to report that it's definitely not a scam! I have been working for them for a couple of months now and made a couple thousand bucks. TheAlliant账号购买y test and train all kinds of AI, …

WEBGet Started Today! Apply to DataAnnotation to train AI for on-demand work from home. Choose from diverse tasks that suit your skills, with flexible hours and pay starting at …app.dataannotation.tech ... Sign InWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.The Freedom and Flexibility of DataAnnotation. Breaking Free: Why …About - DataAnnotation ... About


WEBData Annotation Tech is an online platform that gives its users an opportunity to make money by completing data annotation tasks. The functionality of this website focuses …


WEBMar 18, 2024 — Data Annotation Tech is undoubtedly a legit platform as thousands of annotators earn a significant amount of money by performing a wide range of legitimate …


WEBBased on these few issues some folks are having, I would say that DataAnnotation.Tech is definitely not a scam. I’ve heard from many people who have had good success on the …

WEBWelcome to DataAnnotation! We pay smart folks to train AI. We offer a remote, flexible work model- you choose your own hours and get to work when you want, whenever you …

WEBKathKR. • 3 mo. ago. He's someone with absolutely no experience with the platform, regurgitating common complaints from people who didn't get accepted, got accepted …

WEBApr 2, 2024 — As artificial intelligence evolves, data annotation—or the work done by humans to train AI—has emerged as a potential way to make money.

WEBAug 15, 2024 — Dataannotation.tech is a website that claims to offer remote job opportunities in data annotation, which involves data collection, coding for machine …

WEBThrough DataAnnotation, you will help train AI chatbots to contribute to the development of sophisticated AI programs. How can I get a sense of the type of work available on the …


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